Proven Homework System that Works for Students with ADHD

ADHD and homework are something that does not go together. It’s like mixing water and oil. Writing brief details, such as writing down assignments and remembering due dates, sometimes requires a lot of focus and memory. With these daily routines, teachers and parents should develop a way to replace this problem with high grades.

It’s sometimes painful to do homework tips for kids who have ADHD. Students have to copy assignments, carry the right book to home and ensure that all the due deadlines are adhered to. It becomes tough for students with less focus and attention.

There are homework tips for kids who have ADHD. One of them is by creating an ADHD homework planner at home and school, which is consistent. I may take some months for these routines to become a habit, but don’t lose hope as payoff may come in the sense of accomplishment and lots of after-school smiles.

ADHD homework strategies at school

The following are strategies that will help you find ADHD solutions while in school:

  • Teachers should allow time for students to copy homework assignments.

Teachers should post the assignment on board early enough and read them aloud to reinforce the information. If this becomes difficult for students to copy down, give each of them a sheet with already typed assignments.

  • Ensure that the homework load is manageable

It is one of the homework tips for ADHD students. ADHD students work slowly, and they can easily get frustrated by small things. Teachers should reduce their workload by, for instance, assigning them only odd numbers in math problems. Thus, students will be able to demonstrate what they have learned without any difficulties.

  • Create study group

Teachers should also partner’s students so that they brush shoulders and check each other’s assignments. These homework tips for kids who have ADHD have been proven to work better.

Students will ensure that they are doing the right things and they are in the right place. They will help each other to pack the books and all the materials needed for the assignments.

ADHD homework strategies at home

  1. Make sure the assignments reach home

If your child has ADHD, then they may have difficulties in copying the assignment. If this is the case, ask the teacher to give him ideas that would help him remember, or the teacher can also email you the assignments while at home.

  1. Have specific time for homework

Some students may need to break after shall, but others love handling homework when they are still at school. If after-school activities pose a challenge to your child, create an ADHD homework planner for your child that lists all homework start and end times.

  1. Celebrate your child’s accomplishment

Some children benefit from the system. Ensure that when your child finishes the assignment on time, add a star to the chart so that you can redeem them with items from a wish list.


ADHD and homework pose a lot of challenges to students while at school and home. To solve this problem effectively, create an ADHD homework planner while at school and home. These ADHD homework strategies will help your child succeed.

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